Trends note : Forging links, for convivial, supportive and inclusive communities
30 minutes of reading
In an increasingly fragmented society under strain, how can we encourage social interaction? What makes it possible
to live together, to form a society? From the point of view of the urban fabric, what levers can be activated? How
can real estate and urban development projects help to forge links? What planning strategies can be used to encourage citizen participation and enhance inclusiveness and conviviality to create welcoming towns and cities?

This trend book, Forging links: for convivial, supportive and inclusive communities, takes a close look at the different strategies and approaches that can be implemented to re-forge links in local areas. Drawing on concrete examples, feedback, studies and contributions from experts, it looks at the main levers and best practices for designing projects that meet the needs of local residents while fostering a more inclusive and supportive society. We hope that this new trend book will inspire and encourage action to prepare for tomorrow by sharing ideas through an open and systemic approach. We can build a future where no one is isolated or excluded, but where everyone feels connected, supported and valued. Let’s reweave the social fabric and find a better way of living together in our towns and cities.
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