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Seniors : developing easily personalized residences

2 minutes of reading
(Français) Face à l’augmentation du nombre de seniors dans nos sociétés et à l’évolution de leur style de vie, il est nécessaire de repenser notre vision de l’habitat pour concevoir des logements qui répondent à leurs nouvelles attentes. Retrouvez les propositions de notre think tank, parrainé par le sociologue Serge Guérin, pour contribuer au bien vieillir à domicile.
With the growing number of seniors in our societies and the changes in their lifestyle, it is necessary to rethink our vision of housing to conceive homes that better meet their new expectations. Find out about the proposals of our think tank, guided by the French sociologist Serge Guérin, to contribute to ageing well in place.

Proposal 1: Developing easily personalized residences

What is a personalized residence?

Logements seniors personnalisablesA residence that can be personalized is a pre-equipped residence, that technically adapts to senior needs over time and that respects their living habits above all. It must satisfy four criteria: – Ensuring the safety of residents – Respecting people’s privacy and living habits – Helping maintain social connections – Facilitating intervention of possible caregivers Examples of simple and inexpensive equipment that can be integrated starting in the initial design phase: Seniors housing

What are the benefits for the different actors?

For the tenant: – Adaptations carried out at the entrance to the residence, less limiting – Residences not seen as stigmatizing – Adaptations targeted to real individual needs – A residence that adapts to changes in the individual For the housing provider: – Anticipation of changing tenant needs – Savings on additional costs of later adaptations – Lower turnover – Pre-equipping makes it possible to remedy the lack of training of involved companies Ageing well at homeTo learn more about this proposal, check out our “Ageing well at home” brochure.