Seniors : offering intergenerational communal areas
3 minutes of reading
(Français) Face à l’augmentation du nombre de seniors dans nos sociétés et à l’évolution de leur style de vie, il est nécessaire de repenser notre vision de l’habitat pour concevoir des logements qui répondent à leurs nouvelles attentes. Retrouvez les propositions de notre think tank, parrainé par le sociologue Serge Guérin, pour contribuer au bien vieillir à domicile.
With the growing number of seniors in our societies and the changes in their lifestyle, it is necessary to rethink our vision of housing to conceive homes that better meet their new expectations. Find out about the proposals of our think tank, guided by the French sociologist Serge Guérin, to contribute to ageing well in place.
Creating an intergenerational communal area is more than simply making a room available. It must be accompanied by services, to be defined according to the project, in order to attract residents.
It must satisfy three main criteria:
– Plan for enough space
– Easily accessible
– Design a space adapted to multiple
Use of the space must be considered ahead of time to anticipate, for example, problems associated with noise, accessibility, and billing security (plan for a submetre for utility charges). The space could be privatized by tenants with the association.
To learn more about this proposal, check out our “Ageing well at home” brochure.
Proposal 2: Offering intergenerational communal areas
Must-haves in an intergenerational communal area

What types of services can be integrated into those areas?
The challenge is to offer diverse activities that meet resident expectations. These activities can only be developed in partnership with local associations and municipal services. To promote intergenerational conversations: – Cultural and artistic activities – Play spaces for children – A multimedia library/reading corner – Media centre: Internet/TV To receive fragile populations, specific services can be set up like physical activity sessions adapted to the elderly or partnerships with local medical professionals.What are the benefits for the different actors?
For the tenant: – Opportunity to break the isolation of the most elderly – Opportunity to get to know neighbors better – Access to new activities – Possibility of renting the room for personal activities For the housing provider: – Higher tenant satisfaction – Opportunity to identify potential frailties in elderly residents – Strengthening of social connections
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