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Wizom for Life: Bouygues Construction launches its adaptable housing offer

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After “Wizom Connected”, Bouygues Construction’s connected housing solution, the group is now launching an adaptable housing offer called “Wizom for Life”. Presented during a trade show for mayors from the Paris region, it rounds out the Wizom housing offer and paves the way for a more flexible and modular home.
Wizom for life
Whether you’re preparing for a new baby, combining families, or readying for retirement, your home must adapt to your changing life style. To meet residents’ needs, Wizom for Life offers customisable and adaptable housing solutions for all ages and all people, regardless of your current or future circumstances. The Wizom for Life offer meets our customers’ needs by focusing on five key areas:
  • More user-friendly housing
Designed by an expert partner, this personalised and user-friendly approach, which focuses on ensuring a home’s design meets residents’ needs, provides a better user experience and even more comfort.
  • More flexible housing
Thanks to a flexible architectural design and adaptable construction techniques, these homes are customisable and modular. The equipment that makes this solution so flexible is entirely reversible and can be added or removed to account for any life changes. For example, the walls can be reinforced to accommodate grab bars, interior walls can be easily taken down, a connected temperature control system can be added later, and more.
  • Safer housing
For children under the age of four, 80% of accidents occur at home. The same goes for people over 65, who account for 90% of accidents in the home. The solution includes special equipment to facilitate residents’ mobility and reduce accidents, including leak and fire detectors, grab bars, floor coverings that provide enhanced traction, etc.
  • More suitable housing
Nine out of ten people live at home until the age of 85. Using connected objects, Wizom for Life helps track residents’ diets, sleep, hygiene, and schedule. This system can detect an emergency situation and send an alert to the hotline platform of our partner, Pharmagest.
  • Housing that promotes intergenerational connections
Alongside its key partners, the group encourages interactions between people from different generations and provides residents with a service platform that includes a private social network and a concierge, among other offerings.   As an active stakeholder in the creation of smart, sustainable cities, Bouygues Construction has already piloted and proofed the effectiveness of Wizom for Life at several of its sites, including the Azais Residence in Sanguinet, the Vertes Residences in Pulnoy, and Ivry Confluences in Ivry-sur-Seine.