Built by (and for) Adams!

This week, find out about Adam, site manager on the Newport High School in Wales, related more than ever to the school daily life, even six years later.
In September Adam Reilly’s two daughters started their new school year at Newport High School, near Cardiff, in Wales. Nothing out of the ordinary there, except that the school conjures up memories for the 48-year-old project manager, who supervised its construction five years ago. He knows from what his daughters tell him that students like the school’s bright colours and light, airy feel. More and more of them have lunch there and use the premises for out-of-school activities.
The fact that he helped to build the school gave its governing board the idea of asking him to be a parents’ representative. “I am still very much involved in the life of the school”, says Adam. Its sporting facilities are open to local residents after school in the evenings and at weekends, making Newport High School a popular meeting-place. “I use the swimming pool and my wife takes gym classes”, says Adam, adding that “it’s the first time a project has followed me around for such a long time!”