Bouygues Construction invites 250 of its suppliers and subcontractors to its purchasing and innovation meeting

Franck Le Guillou, Purchasing Director at Bouygues Construction, said: “This event gave us the chance to repeat clearly to our supplier and subcontractor partners that we want to develop long-term relationships, based on collaborative innovation and the creation of shared value. Our aim is to work with them to speed up the search for innovations and our international development so that we can continue to offer our customers the most competitive, innovative and sustainable solutions.”
Through a series of presentations, sharing of experience and testimonials given by partner SMEs, the Purchasing and Innovation Meeting was also an opportunity to share the results of the annual survey carried out by Pacte PME, to which Bouygues Construction is a signatory. Such key subjects as long-term partnership relations, support for international development and Bouygues Construction’s open innovation policy punctuated the discussions.
Two other highlights of the day were:
• a spotlight on BIM and the partnership between Bouygues Construction and datBIM giving users of Building Information Modelling easier access to the product data catalogues of suppliers and construction industry subcontractors,
• a presentation of the Lean Management collaborative on-site approach, which leads to site contractors listening to each other and working efficiently together.
During the meeting, Bouygues Construction awarded prizes to five partner SMEs which have been particularly innovative:
• Product innovation category: A2C Préfa
Thierry Nivière, Sales Director, A2C Préfa.
A2C Préfa has launched a new, fully adaptable product: a one-piece elevator shaft.
• Start-up and services innovation category: Intent Technologies
Matthieu Roynette, Marketing Director, Intent Technologies.
Intent Technologies has created the first platform for sharing product data and services in real time between players operating in the building sector.
• Administrative innovation category: ALG
Renaud Sornin, CEO, ALG.
ALG’s main aim is to simplify the day-to-day operation of businesses and to secure customer-supplier relations by managing their administrative files.
• Green and long-term joint innovation category: Techniwood
Dominique Pelissier, Vice President, Techniwood.
Techniwood has developed a new industrial construction system, Panobloc®, consisting of an ecological composite of wood and insulation material, intended for the construction and renovation sustainable buildings.
• Connected site joint innovation category: Sensorit
Dick Lantim, Chairman and CEO, Sensorit.
Sensorit has worked with Bouygues Construction to develop a digital notice board designed to give site workers better information on construction sites. Beyond basic interactive notice board functions, the panel plays a key role in site workers’ daily lives by giving easier access to regulatory information and practical information.