The Home Tower

The Home Tower
The tallest residential tower in Paris!Built in the south of Paris by Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France and inaugurated in 2015, the Home Tower is the first very tall residential building to be constructed in Paris since the 1970s.
Located in the south of Paris, the Home Tower was constructed by Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France and designed by the architects Hamonic + Masson along with Comte Vollenweider. Designed as a single building, the Home Tower combines two housing environments into a harmonious whole. One side of the complex is a tower in which the perimeter of each floor is surrounded by continuous balconies of various sizes partly covered by orange glass panels. The other side is a tiered tower with a spiralling design, which allows sunlight to reach each floor and limits the feelings of vertigo experienced by any future residents with no head for heights. Featuring an alternating pattern of terraces and balconies as well as glass panels and metallic coverings, the building's design prioritises the use of natural lighting in its interior spaces.

An intelligent and sustainable approach was used to design the equipment included in the Home Tower enabling the building to meet the energy consumption targets necessary for BBC-Effinergie certification. For example, the building's basement features 333 anti-vibration mechanisms to protect the tower from the effects of the nearby railway network. Solar panels were also installed on the roof to produce hot water. Home also complies with the 2005 Thermal Regulations under the Paris Climate Plan and has earned several environmental certifications.